Day 21: Different Colours – 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

Day 21 of 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

This has been a short visit to some of the Sutras of Patanjali. Thank you for joining me on this 21-day journey. The intention has been to provide more insights into the science of yoga.

In sutras 1:2, Patanjali  wrote:

Yogas chitta vritti norodah” Yoga is the restraint of the modification of the mind stuff.

When there is no longer incessant mind chatter, then you can experience yoga. And when this happens, we learned from Sutra 1:3 , you can experience your true nature and true self.

Today, 2nd March, is the Hindu Festival of Colours. I am sitting here in Goa writing this final commentary to end the 21 days of Sutras, which was intended as the build-up to this Goa retreat where our aim is to go deeper into yoga.

The way to experience your true nature is lined with obstacles ( or kleshas). Patanjali explains that the main obstacle that gets in the way of your true nature is ignorance. Ignorance means that we confuse what is impermanent, impure, painful and the small self or ego with the supreme consciousness, true self or soul.

The sutras are like different colours marking the paths that can take us to an inner landscape of peace, stillness and bliss.

Practices such as meditation, breathing exercises and postures help to bring you closer to the experience of yoga.

Sri Swarmi Satchidananda, whose translations from Sanskrit to English I have used, states that yoga is intended for the ego or individual you and not your true self. When you are your true self, you will not need yoga. Yoga is needed so that your true self can be realised.

The mind has become a burden and causes suffering because of incessant thinking. The aim is for the mind to become like a tool that gets used when it is needed and that remains quiet, peaceful and joyful at other times.

Patanjali says to meditate on anything you like that is uplifting. So, start with a practice that is elevating for you. Why not choose one sutra that resonates with you and practise it in your daily life and see what happens. You only have to master one sutra and that can lift the veil that keeps your true self hidden.

I will end with this quote from Sri Swami Satchidananda:

...we don't really need scriptures. The entire life is an open book, a scripture. Read it. Learn while digging a pit, chopping wood or cooking some food. If you can't learn from your daily activities, how are you going to understand the scriptures.”

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