About us

  Transform Your Life with Yoga: Empowering Classes, Poses, Breathing Exercises and Mindfulness Practices for Body-Mind Harmony and Inner and Outer Transformation

"What I cannot do now is the sign of what I shall do hereafter. The sense of impossibility is the beginning of all possibilities." Sri Aurobindo

Welcome to Yoga Blooming, where I invite you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, wellbeing and longevity.

I believe that through finding joy in the present moment and learning to quiet the mind, we can access the profound wisdom of the spirit and the transformative power of unconditional love. My teachings are infused with this philosophy, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. By embracing the beauty of the present and cultivating a loving connection with yourself and others,  you bloom into your fullest potential and can live a life infused with purpose, vitality, and compassion.

I support individuals in the 40-60 age range to transform their lives through yoga. Our tailored classes, poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices promote body-mind harmony, inner and outer transformation, and overall well-being.

Our mission is to contribute to global health and well-being through our consciousness raising programmes and transform well being on the planet.

This is the Adiyogi statue created by Sadhguru. It is in Coimbatore, India, and for me symbolises the yogic science.

According to folklore, Adiyogi brought forth the possibility that humans need not be confined by the limitations of our species. There is a way to transcend physical boundaries, to inhabit the body but not be limited by it, to use the mind in its highest capacity while escaping its troubles.

Whatever dimension of existence you currently inhabit, there is another way to live, an opportunity for evolution beyond your present limitations. The Adiyogi emphasized the importance of inner work and self-transformation, offering a path to a purpose-guided life.

"For Yoga is the coming into being as well as the ceasing to be." 6.11 Katha Upanishad

We believe that yoga is about expansion and elevating all aspects of living to create a lifestyle that supports your inner growth and outer prosperity.

Click here to read more ABOUT YOGA

Founder:  Rosaleen Bloomfield

Rosaleen qualified as a yoga teacher in India in February 2003  and  is registered with Yoga Alliance UK, EYT level.

In today's fast-paced world, stress can easily overwhelm us. Rosaleen's classes provide a sanctuary where you can release tension, calm the mind, and cultivate inner peace. With her guidance, you will discover effective techniques to manage stress, restore balance, and nurture emotional well-being.  The focus is also on enhancing mobility, improving flexibility, and supporting overall well-being so you can move with ease, grace, and comfort.  Together, she will create a space for you to find solace and reconnect with your inner self.

Rooted in her own journey of self-discovery and awakening experience, Rosaleen blends teachings from yoga, personal development systems, and metaphysics to provide a holistic and enriching experience. Her background in corporate information technology, combined with her training as an Institute of Leadership and Management Coach and Mentor, allows her to bring a unique perspective to your yoga practice. Rosaleen is  dedicated to helping you reclaim your purpose, find more peace and harmony, and live a life of meaning and fulfillment.

Beyond yoga classes, Yoga Blooming offers retreats that provide an immersive experience in breathtaking locations. These experiences allow you to deepen your practice, recharge your spirit, and cultivate lasting connections with fellow seekers.

Rosaleen also offers wellness mentoring,  stress relief workshops and Scientific Hand Analysis readings.