Spring, Renewal and Choices

Spring is aliveness and brings the energy of renewal, vitality and the opportunity to clear a pathway for new life to grow. What new seeds are you planting ? Do you need to  release anything in order to create brave space for the new?  What kind of  Spring cleaning do you need to do?

 half spinal twist (lord of the fishes) yoga postureIn terms of your body and physical yoga practice, twists are great for Spring cleansing the body. They release  tension in the intervertebral muscles of the spine, upper back and diaphragm. The twisting action gently massages organs helping the process of removing toxins from the body. Twists also open the chest and aid digestion.  
Tip: Remember to lift the pit (bottom) of the abdomen towards the chest before you twist. This key action distributes the twist evenly along the length of the spine and  gives you maximum benefit. After a twist practice drink plenty of water to support the body to cleanse.

Asanas (postures) such as twists are essential for developing a flexible, strong and healthy body.

But as Aadil Palkhivala puts it:

“What good is a flexible body able to do many poses without a flexible mind able to make good choices?

Spring time when everything is fresh and new life is forming is a fantastic time to create space to think about your decisions and choices. Where you are right now in your life has been guided by your choices - whether they've been beneficial or not. 

Making good choices requires inner work and moving into  a brave space where you can see new possibilities, expansion for yourself and like a spring making a transformational leap or shift to creating what you want.   This expansion, according to ancient wisdom in the Vedas, can be achieved when the four aims of life: purpose, prosperity, pleasure and freedom are foundation stones for our life. 

 Achieving all four of these desires is the key to lasting happiness and the ancient texts state that life purpose or dharma guides the attainment of the other pillars.

Most people make choices based on their conditioning or the expectations of others and not according their soul's desire and soul purpose.

When your soul is your navigation system for your life, you are likely to be fulfilled just by the process of doing what your soul desires.

As spring starts to shift to summer and we move towards the half-year mark, if you would like to discover your soul's purpose and how to unleash and integrate it into all aspects of your life for more purpose, prosperity, happiness and freedom, my upcoming six-week Purpose, Clarity and Shift programme is a life-changing process created for you if you’re seeking  purpose and more fulfilment in your life..  Using scientific hand analysis, your life’s purpose will be deciphered. You will discover how to uniquely express and unleash your purpose and talents.  Life purpose is not your job, capabilities or skills. It is a soul level consciousness that you possess but may not be aware of - yet - that is the source of your fulfilment.

Next programme starts 10th June. Please go here for more information and to book: https://yogablooming.co.uk/shift-clarity-new-direction-programme/

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