Yoga for a Vibrant Life: Yoga Classes, Yoga Poses, Yoga for Stress Relief, Breathing Exercises, Yoga Retreats and Wellbeing Mentoring to Boost Energy and Enhance Wellbeing

What Kind of Yoga

"All life is yoga!" proclaims Sri Aurobindo.  For us this captures the purpose of yoga.  At YogaBlooming we help you to connect with the yoga that is within - a sense of inner peace, love, divine wisdom, oneness, wholeness, spirit, being present and living in the moment.  This yoga blossoms within through the undertaking of a journey of inner growth, transformation and purposeful living (dharma).

Go here for information about online yoga classes.

The Power of Love

We believe that for fulfilment and inner expansion,  it's important to loosen the strings of the mind and tighten the strings of the heart. Love and soulful purpose are within - pots of gold that we are sitting on. So we must use yoga to explore and uncover this love and we can only do this through an inner process. Then there is the possibility of transforming and living a purposeful, thriving life - inside and outside.

Hatha Yoga Poses, Breathing Exercises, Yoga Mindfulness & Restorative Yoga for Relaxation & Recharging

We have to start somewhere and so we tend to start with the postures or asanas. We use them to explore our body-mind-breath connection.

The asanas help us to develop flexibility and strength of body and mind that leads to a feeling of healthy well being. We've learning to be at home and at peace with and in our body. For some practitioners, this is enough. Others may want to travel deeper and discover the more spiritual aspects of yoga. It is a preference that still leaves you open to other things.

At YogaBlooming we offer alignment-based asana (posture) work emphasising precision, awareness and an inner focus. This is seamlessly blended with breathing exercises, meditation and personal development approaches to deliver a unique class experience.

Each yoga session takes you on a journey of inner and outer discovery. After all, the essence of yoga is inner work and this inner work is guided by body and spirit wisdom  . You take your outer body into a posture, align it to help your energy to flow more easily and to ensure that you are practising safely and travel inside to notice what  is happening to your body-mind-spirit in the moment and to be guided by your own inner wisdom.

You explore where you are sensing stretching, what it's like and what it is telling you about your body-mind. You also tune in to your breath and use it to help you move into stillness. Then all becomes like a meditation.

These work in synergy to flush away waste products from the body, Your circulation is invigorated allowing more oxygenated blood to flow to all the cells in your body to keep them working optimally. You let go of tension and stress and nurture the divine spirit within. .At the end of these yoga classes you feel calm, relaxed and energized.

The asana lineage is grounded in the teachings of yoga master Aadil Palkhivala   and through him to his legendary teacher B.K.S. Iyengar and all the teachers before them. The philosophy and spiritual teachings are rooted in the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, The Vedas, my stretching, yoga and meditation  teachers, coaches and mentors coupled with my inner guidance and wisdom.

Go here for information about Online Yoga Classes.

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