Day 15: Your Attitudes to Yourself – 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

Day 15: Sutra 2:32 - Niyama Yama and Niyama ask us to consider the lifestyle, attitudes and behaviour patterns that will foster a serene mind and the conditions for our true Self to emerge. Yama relates to the attitudes we have towards people and things outside ourselves. Niyama is our relationship with ourselves. What kind…
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Day 14 Creating Wholeness – 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

Day 14: Sutra 2:30 - Yama Yama and Niyama are like a moral or ethical code or system of behaviour. When we incorporate them into our lives the mind will not be disturbed. Together the five yama and five niyama are like the Ten Commandments of Christianity and the Jewish faith and the ten virtues…
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Day 13: Magic Eight – 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

Day 13: Sutra 2:28 & 2:29 By the practice of the limbs of Yoga, the impurities dwindle away and there dawns the light of wisdom, leading to discriminative discernment We're more than half-way. Just 8 days to go. Thank you for sticking with this... It is not just meditation that can help us to connect…
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Day 12: Confusion – 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

Day 12: Sutra 2: 11 The kleshas can be overcome through meditation Remember that ignorance is the major obstacle or klesha that gets in the way of connecting and acting from your true, eternal self and being peaceful. Ignorance means that we confuse what is impermanent, impure, painful and the small self  or ego with the…
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