Setting Outcomes or Goals

Setting outcomes or goals is something that we like to do towards the end of a year or the beginning of a new year. If you’ve already worked through a process and have your outcomes worked out for 2019 that’s great. If not, then a very simple process, devised by Caitlin Walker, that I use…
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Goals 2018: That all important first step

Goals, dreams...some of us are really skilled at manifesting what we want in life and others more scattered and not as good at crossing the goal winning line. This is day 3 of 2018 and there are another 362 days to go. What are your plans for those 362 days? What are the things that…
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Christmas And Being Proper

'One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began” Mary Oliver Christmas festive activities are accelerating and I've been reflecting on what all the fuss is about. It’s a time that means different things to different people. There is the magical Christmas: Father Christmas, reindeer, presents, carol singers, sparkling lights and majestic…
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Purpose Missing?

Purpose!   When you have it there is meaning and fulfilment in your life irrespective of whether what you're doing is heralded or unsung. So, here we are rapidly approaching another year’s end, with a holiday season to appreciate and enjoy with family and friends and a fresh new year waiting to greet us. But if…
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