Gratitude makes you happier: 6 Ways to Let it Flow

I started wondering about the words gratitude and grateful this morning and why ‘grateful’  kind of  ‘grates’ on me. And, I realised that it probably comes from being told (as a child):  “You should be grateful for _____________, the parent told the child…think of all the children who don’t ________.  Fill in the blanks.  Most…
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But, I’m not Flexible

Yoga is a state in which mind and body are joined together. Stillness is required for yoga to bloom. For yoga it is necessary to be attentive.  Training your attention on actions taking place in the moment is necessary if we want to achieve a goal or even a posture that was previously unattainable. The…
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5 Keys to Change and More Freedom

Many people come to yoga because they seek change, consciously or unconsciously. And, behind the quest for change is a desire for more freedom. They want to be free from pain e.g. confusion, personal or work-related stress, identity crisis, professional or personal dilemmas, difficult relationships, physical pain - acheing joints, stiff muscles, lower back pain,…
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Are You Deficient in Vitamin D and Don’t Know It?

 Most people know that we get Vitamin D from sunlight, but do you know that you could be deficient in Vitamin D and don't know it. As we've had a few lovely hot days in London so far this week (thankfully we're getting some Summer weather), with plenty of sunshine, it's the perfect day to…
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