Past Year Review Process

It can be very helpful to do a review of the past year and it’s not too late to do so.  I like to use this approach, which originally comes from Tim Ferriss ( I’ve modified it slightly).  It takes 30-60 minutes and looks like this: Grab a notepad and create three columns: WORKED WELL,…
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How to Break the Habit of Being in Drama

I actually had no idea what he was thinking, but I was aware of a behavioural change and based on what I perceived, I made up a story about it. “His energy is really heavy,” I told myself, and this is spoiling the walk. There was now the beginning of a sinking feeling inside. We…
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Mind Manifests in the Body – Scientific Evidence?

There is much scientific evidence to support what adept yogis realized centuries ago – that the mind/body and body/mind connection is real and that the two are in fact one. Let’s look briefly at some of these findings. At our cellular level, there are chemicals called messenger molecules which link the mind and body. How…
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Discover Why You Worry about What Other People Think

I was on my knees, chest on the ground like I was doing the yoga posture downward facing hero pose. It took a few seconds to realise what had happened. The doorman outside the entrance to the hotel had asked me if I was attending the Global Woman Club event and was telling me where…
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