Celery – Does it have Healing Powers?

Celery juice is the craze at the moment as celery is touted as another superfood. Here are some of the health benefits:

  • Vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting  and preventing arterial calcification.
  • Detoxification of heavy metals in the body.
  • Vitamins A and C, folate and potassium.
  • Rich source of antioxidants and phytonutrients.
  • Helps the digestive tract and cardiovascular functioning
  • Substantial amounts of fibre (juicing removes the fibre).
  • Hydrating - it's 95% water.
  • Anti-inflammatory and restores immune balance.
  • Enhances neurons in the brain.
  • Contains a compound called  apigenin that has possible cancer-fighting properties.

According to Anthony William who started what’s being called the Global Celery Juice Movement, celery juice is "a healing tool”.  And, the most benefits are gained from drinking the juice on its own in the morning on an empty stomach and waiting 15 minutes before eating anything else. I have tried it and it settled my digestion.

Anthony William claims that celery juice helps  "improve digestion, mental clarity, energy levels, autoimmune conditions, acne, eczema, psoriasis, migraines, acid reflux, addictions, anxiety, depression, fatigue, weight issues, bloating (and) constipation.”

Celery has a lot of nutrients so why not. Even if you don’t like the taste , like me, do what is needed for health.  I first started to eat it when I had knee pain and during a yoga masterclass, the teacher said that it was good for knees (the anti-inflammatory properties would certainly help).

Just bear in mind that you lose all the roughage when vegetables are juiced. For this reason my preference is to blend vegetables. Celery is a very healthy snack and/or food when eaten raw.  Studies show it loses a significant amount of its antioxidants when boiled or blanched - between 38 percent and 41 percent. It’s therefore better to steam it for about 10 minutes as it then retains between 83-99 percent of its antioxidant nutrients.

For celery soup, I steam it for 3-4 minutes only with half a cube of organic vegetable stock for flavour. Let it cool a little and then blend it.

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