Conscious Breathing – Stretching Your Breath

conscious breathing at desk - manConscious breathing occurs with intention and focus.  Most people are totally unaware of their breathing most of the time. The breath may only come into your conscious awareness when you are out of breath, after exercise for example, or if there is an issue with the respiratory system.

As we get older, we breathe less fully. Indeed,many people use only one third of their lung capacity. This shallow/restricted breathing is known to correlate with depression and anxiety and is also an important factor in lost vitality. An inadequate supply of oxygen will impair organ function.  Every tissue requires oxygen. The brain, your computer system, needs three times more oxygen than the rest of your body’s tissue cells.

Here’s a simple conscious breathing exercise that you can do safely. It is very important when doing any form of  conscious breathing exercise or pranayama to ensure that you do not strain or tax your nervous system in any way as this can have a deleterious impact on your nervous system.   

  1. When you get up in the morning, sit on your bed for a couple of minutes observing your breathing consciously and with intention .  
  2. Then take a long-deep inhalation breathing in for a count of three or four, inhaling light and energy into your whole body. Feel yourself coming alive, notice your abdomen expanding and feel the expansiveness and nourishment that inhalation gives.
  3. Exhale for a count of  three or four rooting and releasing your body weight down into the earth. Allow your mind to become calm and peaceful.

Do this conscious breathing exercise for 3-9 times. Afterwards you will feel energised and ready to handle your day with a focused mind and equanimity. You will gain maximum benefit if you do this conscious breathing exercise again in the middle of the day, preferably just before lunch sitting at your desk or on a park bench (make sure you’re not in a polluted environment though) and once again just before going to bed at night.  Enjoy!

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