Day 12: Sutra 2: 11 The kleshas can be overcome through meditation
Remember that ignorance is the major obstacle or klesha that gets in the way of connecting and acting from your true, eternal self and being peaceful.
Ignorance means that we confuse what is impermanent, impure, painful and the small self or ego with the supreme consciousness, true self or soul. When we see ourselves as the body and/or mind, for example, this is a mis-perception. You are not your body or your mind. Both if these are impermanent and cause us pain, for example.
Patanjali tells us that by meditating we can come to know our soul essence - the True Self.
Remember in earlier sutras, Patanjali gives some examples of meditation practices. You can focus on the breath, tip of the nose/tongue, a light within. You've also got the AUM meditation if chanting works better for you. Experiment to discover what works best for you.
Practice Tip. Choose one of the above meditations to practice or anything else that elevates your mind. If you can't make up your mind, try this breath awareness meditation
Sit with your spine upright and get comfortable.
Watch your breathing.
Feel the air being drawn into the body from outside and feel the exhalation take place. Breath coming in, breath going out... Notice what happens. You're not trying to stop any thoughts that come. If your mind wanders off, as soon as you notice it has done so, gently bring it back to your breathing.
Do this breath awareness meditation for 10-15 minutes daily.