Are you chugging down ice-cold or chilled water or drinks with the soaring sizzling summer temperatures, hoping to cool down? You may be surprised to discover that this may not be good for you. Read on to find out what Ayurveda, the science of life and sister science of yoga says about drinking ice-cold or chilled beverages.
Ayurveda tells us that ice cold or chilled drinks extinguish the digestive fire or agni in the body. Blood vessels contract restricting digestion and the absorption of nutrients as energy required for digestion is redirected to regulate your body temperature. The breakdown of fats is also inhibited and it can lead to a buildup of excess mucus resulting in blocked nose and sore throat ( I always have a coughing fit when I drink really cold drinks or have ice cream and so I avoid both of these).
1. Drink beverages that are at room temperature.
2. Sip just a little warm water with meals rather than gulping down loads of cold water/beverage.
3. Drink water with lime/lemon and slices of cucumber to hydrate.
4. Sip ginger tea with lemon throughout the day to aid digestion.
Click the link below to learn more about the impact on your body of drinking very cold drinks.