Day 11: Sutra 2:3 Ignorance, egoism, attachment, hatred and clinging to bodily life are the five obstacles (Sanskrit = Avidya Asmita Raga Dvesha Abhinivesha Klesha)
How can you be the architect of your own life and well-being?
Patanjali gvies the above five obstacles (Kleshas) that must be overcome to make progress in your personal development journey. Yoga is essentially a science and technology for personal growth and mastery (connection with the true Self)
He states that ignorance or avidya is the root of all the obstacles. Here he means ignorance of the true self that is source itself. Because we are not connected with and therefore have no real knowledge of our true Self, egoism (asmita) comes in and dominates.
Ego means that we see ourselves as “I” or “Me”. Individuality becomes dominant and this creates separation from existence. I am black. I am white. I am English. I am American. I am intelligent. I am sad. I am happy. I am lonely. I am lost...
This I-ism or “I-ology” is an obstacle to knowing the Self because one of these labels are who you are. They are creations of the mind, the culture you grow up in, etc.
Because of this egoism, we get attached to things (people, objects, ideas) that the ego desires for its own pleasure (raga). Just think of all the things you are attached to – family, friends, mobile phones, raw food, junk food, sugar, clothes, cars, make-up, sun, sea, sand, alcohol, smoking, etc.
We also get attached to thought patterns (ideas, beliefs, values), experiences and objects that are unhelpful and we dislike. If the things we are mentally, physically, emotionally or energetically attached to get taken away or do not come to us, or we think others have gotten in our way, then hatred comes in (dvesa or dvesha).
Now you hate the person you loved last year. Or you hate the rich. Or you hate your job. Or you hate traffic, Or you hate your commute, Or you hate your boss and so on.
And finally, because we are attached to our bodies, mind, people, objects that we see as “I”, we cling to our life in this body and are afraid of death (abhinivesah).
Practice Tip: Bring into your conscious awareness some of the things that symbolise the 5 kleshas in your life: Ignorance of your inner Self, Ego (I-ness), Attachments. What you hate? How your fear of death shows up? Make a list and see what you discover.
A couple of SPOTS remain for the Goa Retreat: 1st - 8th March 2018! If you feel called to join us you need to act now if you want to come for a week of being in yoga and saying "YES" to life.