I was on my knees, chest on the ground like I was doing the yoga posture downward facing hero pose. It took a few seconds to realise what had happened. The doorman outside the entrance to the hotel had asked me if I was attending the Global Woman Club event and was telling me where…
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How Wearing Black Reduces Immunity
Did you know that the practice of wearing black started in ancient Greece and can affect your immunity and wellbeing. Apparently a woman whose husband had died was not considered to be good and was not respected. If she wore black clothing that covered her body from head to toes, she’d die very soon after…
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New Hand Analysis Workshops – Does Your Left Hand Know What Your Right Hand is Doing?
Did you know that the lines that show up on your left hand are often entirely different from your right hand and that apart from your fingerprints which do not change, most of the lines and markings in your palms change as you do? And this information can be deciphered using a proven system called…
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