Hand Analysis decodes the secrets in your hands about who you are and your unique personal design... did you know that? Well, this powerful self-awareness and personal development process isn’t intended to be a secret but it’s come to my attention that I’m not talking about one of my best coaching tools enough. So here…
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Mind Your Thoughts – How You Get What You Think

Mind Your thoughts. Be vigilant about your thoughts in life as well as in your yoga practice. I cannot count the number of times that yoga students tell themselves and me that they “can’t” do a posture or they can’t breathe properly. Can’t, can’t, can’t… But what impact does this have on the psyche. Much…
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Benefits of Doing Sun Salutations Sequence (Surya Namaskar)

Sun salutations sequence, whether you love it or hate it, the classical Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation sequence is an ancient system that experts have dated from 5000-8000 years ago. It works on every system in the body. In the classical sequence all movements are forward or back intending to bring the mind into the…
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Backbends – A Common Mistake Yoga Students Make + Two Tips for Safe Backbending

Backbends open up your chest and heart centre symbolising joy, as well as the pelvic area and the throat. They improve mobility of the spine, breath capacity and reverse the aging process of the spine. A common mistake yoga students make that can cause lower back pain is to hug the knees into the chest…
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