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Day 11: Why Your Mind May Be Freaking You Out – 21 Days of Sutras

Day 11: Sutra 2:3 Ignorance, egoism, attachment, hatred and clinging to bodily life are the five obstacles (Sanskrit = Avidya Asmita Raga Dvesha Abhinivesha Klesha) How can you be the architect of your own life and well-being? Patanjali gvies the above five obstacles (Kleshas) that must be overcome to make progress in your personal development…
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Day 10: How Willing Are You…? 21 Days of Sutras

Day 10: Sutra 2:1 Purification (effort), self-study and surrender to the supreme being are the foundations of yoga. The 196 sutras are divided into several books. Book 1 is about Contemplation and Book 2 is the Portion on Practice. Now we go into more detail about practice. How willing are you ...? It's not easy…
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Day 9 AUM: What it Means plus Aum Meditation – 21 Days of Sutras

Day 9 Sutra 1:27 The word expression of the supreme consciousness (Isvara) is the mystic sound AUM. The mantra Aum is well known and widely chanted in yoga studios and elsewhere, so I think it is good to talk about it now. Patanjali says that Aum is the expression of supreme consciousness or the creative…
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Day 8 Why It’s hard to Have a Calm Mind – 21 Days of Sutras to Heal Your Soul

Day 8 Sutra 1:30: Disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, false perception, failure to reach firm ground and slipping from the ground gained – these distractions of the mind-stuff are the obstacles. These obstacles often show up in comments that people make such as “I can't meditate/Is yoga really the right path for me” (doubt).…
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