A large-scale international study (known as the international Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology, or PURE, study) found that high intakes of healthy fats — especially unsaturated fats — boost health and longevity. This research was based on following the health of 135,000 adults in 18 countries for seven years and a half years on average. People…
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About: admin
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6 Tips for Believing in Yourself with Unshakable Faith
Believing in yourself is a concept that seems pretty crazy to me. I don't mean to be flippant but when thoughts about believing in yourself arise, it implies disconnection, doubt and separation from who you are. And, the crazy part is seeing yourself as different people. How has this happened? Consider this for a moment,…
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What does acceptance or accepting mean? “Accepting the negativity that life can bring and overcome them and accepting that things won’t go as planned and that you can’t control them…” was someone’s answer to the question: What is your biggest challenge with your personal growth and wellbeing? Wikipedia states that “Acceptance in human psychology is…
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Big Why – What’s Yours?
Big Why? Defining the underlying motivation or driver for doing what we do is often difficult to put into words. In my expereince, for most people, it's about helping others to thrive in some way. At a recent networking meeting, I attended, one person had a corporate job that she loved and her side activity…
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