What you need to know about electrolytes and why you need them. Last week there was an emergency situation with my mum, who is 87. She was sitting on her bed and the next thing she knew, she was on the floor. After about 6 hours in accident and emergency with numerous tests being carried…
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About: admin
Recent Posts by admin
Your Intuition – Discover When to Trust it
Intuition...Some people want to sharpen it, some want to trust it more and some feel disconnected from it. But what exactly is intuition? Is is something mystical and magical? Or is it something that can be easily explained by scientists? I've been musing about intuition quite a lot recently. And because I've been focusing on…
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How Spirituality and Quantum Physics Meet
Spirituality and quantum physics are on the same page. What! Spirituality and science meet at the same point. The law of attraction tells us to “ask and it is given”. Decide what you desire/want, ask for it, get into vibrational alignment and it will manifest. You ask and align vibrationally and leave it to the…
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An Easy Way to Discover Your Dharma – Your Calling
An easy way to discover your dharma...I discovered it at a marketing conference in San Antonio, Texas. More about this simple, fast system in a moment. But first...life purpose or dharma. What is it and how do you uncover your purpose? I heard this recently. “The basis of life is freedom, the purpose of life…
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